| 1. | They then moved on to deal with the agenda point by point . 然后他们对议程又逐条地进行商议。 |
| 2. | This speech was planned, point by point . 这次演说是经过通盘考虑过的,一个要点紧接一个要点。 |
| 3. | The mechanic and the two work-girls examined him point by point before resuming their conversation in a subdued voice . 那技工和两个女工仔细端详着他,从头到脚,一点不放过,随后窃窃私语。 |
| 4. | Meanwhile guide books for immigrants warned them to stay away from the south by pointing out that they would have to compete with slaves . 这期间移民指南一类的书上总警告他们不要到南方去,书中指出,在南方他们得和奴隶竞争。 |
| 5. | Cases of child anorexia treated by points pasting 穴位贴敷治疗小儿厌食症70例70 |
| 6. | Cases of bradycardia treated by points injection 中药贴敷治疗颈肩腰腿痛105例40 |
| 7. | Cases of night crying treated by point massage 穴位按摩治疗婴幼儿夜啼症92例92 |
| 8. | Now you can start testing by pointing your browser to 现在,可以通过将浏览器指向 |
| 9. | Step by step point by point , or item by item following a list 逐步根据列表逐点、逐项地落实。 |